The End Result....
Terri's Touch of Love Pet Portraits

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What recipients of Portraits have to say:
When I do a portrait of someone's pet I try very hard to capture the soul and personality of that special family member. Hearing the joy in the words of a customer makes every second, minute and hour I spent on their portrait worth it. This is the true pay and what makes what I do so fulfilling.

Owned by Rick and Sue Hall: Australia
  Frome Rick Hall:

Bandit Finally came home,Sue picked up the mail today and your parcel was there,Sue had been waiting for me to come home all day for me to open it.

All I can say is THANKYOU,I could not read your card,had to get Sue to read it,we where both in tears when we saw Bandit's picture(more so me to start)but as Sue read your card,that was her gone too.

You have no idea at what joy you have brought to us,we where expecting a picture tube(not what came)this picture will hang with pride in our home,the jpeg you sent too the list ,was very good and we where happy to have a preview before the original came,but WOW,seeing the real picture has just put new light for us on what all your other originals look like.

I know I said all I wanted for Christmas was a lay in,but you have given us a Christmas present we will have forever and if someone where to give me a million dollars it would not be as good as your gift.

I noticed on the package you had to put a value,believe me that value is way out,to us this is irreplaceable.

Sue has made me put Bandit back in the packing so I can get some glass,before the picture is hung so it does not get marked,I do not usually hug or give other ladies other than family big kisses,but consider yourself hugged and kisses for your special gift,we can not thank you enough.

All our love

your friends downunder

Rick and Sue Hall

Frome Jules:
I had been at my sisters house all day waiting on a delivery (she wasn't going to be home and asked if I could be there for it) and as soon as I got home I told my mom I needed to get my email...
I also said that I was trying not to get my hopes up in case it didn't look like her (forgive me lol)....It was SO hard reading my email once it loaded because I had seen the "So Far" and the " All Done" emails but I made myself go down my list....when I got to the "So far" I opened it and THERE SHE WAS!!!! IT EVEN LOOKS LIKE HER WHEN SHE IS COMING OUT OF A BLANKET AND HER EARS ARE COVERED LOLROF!!!
I yelled at my Mom to come see and I was yelling "It looks like her!"
Well after that, I skipped ALL my email and went directly to the "All Done" post.
Terri, I wish you could feel what I feel when I look at it! I am truly OVERJOYED! I can't get over how great this is and this is only a scan! I don't know how to express how much this means to me, you may have gathered from my posts on MPT that Spider means the world to me and having this artwork of her, done by a friend is just....perfect (I had to think a bit for the right word there, but I found the right one).
The words "Thank You" don't feel like much compared to what I'm feeling about this, but they will have to do for now.


Owned by Jules: California